Imagine settling in for a cozy night of streaming, only to be greeted by an annoying green screen on your TCL Roku TV. Frustrating, right?

Don’t worry; you’re not alone. Many users encounter this issue, but fear not! In this comprehensive guide, we’ll walk you through various troubleshooting steps to banish the green screen blues and get back to enjoying your favorite shows. Let’s dive in!

First and Foremost:

Before we dive into troubleshooting your TCL Roku TV’s green screen issue, there are three essential things to consider when respecting your time:

Consider a Refund for New TVs: 

If you’ve recently purchased a TCL Roku TV and it’s already showing a green screen problem, it might be wise to ask for a refund.

Instead, you could explore other TV options available at the same price range, like “Hisense Roku TVs” and “Vizio V-Series”. This could save you both money and time.

Lifetime of Your TV: 

The typical lifespan of a well-functioning TCL Roku TV ranges from 4 to 10 years. If you’ve used your TV for this duration, you’ve already gotten good value for your money.

Attempting to fix a TV that’s been in use for a long time may only provide a short-term solution, perhaps extending its life for an additional 1 or 2 months.

Trusting it to work flawlessly after fixing it might be a better idea.

Practical Fixes for TVs Less Than 10 Years Old: 

If your TCL Roku TV has been in use for less than ten years, you can try the practical fixes mentioned below.

These solutions are aimed at addressing the green screen issue and may help restore your TV to its normal functioning.

Now, let’s explore the practical fixes for TCL Roku TVs experiencing the green screen problem.

How To Fix Green Screen On TCL Roku Tv

1. Power Cycle the TV: A Simple Reset Can Work Wonders

When faced with the pesky green screen problem, the first step is often the simplest. Unplug your TCL Roku TV from the primary power source and wait patiently for at least one minute.

This brief hiatus allows any lingering electrical charges to dissipate and gives the TV’s internal components a chance to reset.

After this short intermission, reconnect the power, power on your TV, and cross your fingers. Sometimes, a good old-fashioned power cycle can do wonders in resolving display issues.

2. Restart the TV: Roku Settings Hold the Key

Navigate to the home screen using your Roku Remote. From there, delve into the Roku settings by selecting “System,” followed by “Power,” and finally, “System restart”.

This soft restart might be just what your TCL Roku TV needs to bid farewell to the green screen glitch.

By initiating a system restart, you’re refreshing the TV’s internal processes, resolving any temporary glitches that may be causing the green screen anomaly.

3. Check HDMI Settings: Tweak Your Inputs for a Clearer Picture

A deep dive into the Roku TV settings is the next step on our troubleshooting journey. Scroll down until you find the TV input option.

Once there, select HDMI and then choose HDMI mode. Here, you’ll want to switch things up by changing it to HDMI 1.4 or HDMI 2.0.

This step is crucial as it addresses potential compatibility issues between your TV and connected devices.

Sometimes, a minor adjustment in your HDMI settings can be the key to resolving the green screen anomaly.

4. Factory Reset: A Drastic but Effective Solution

If the green screen persists, it’s time to bring out the big guns. Head to Advanced System Settings in the Roku TV menu and opt for the factory reset option.

Be prepared to confirm your decision by entering a password. This step is akin to pressing the reset button on your TV’s entire operating system, wiping out any software glitches that might be causing the display issue.

Following the reset, go through the setup process again and cross your fingers as you check if the green screen has bid its final farewell.

Tips: Keeping the Green Screen at Bay

5. Reset the Roku 4K TV: Specialized Solutions for Specific Models

If you own a Roku 4K TV, there’s a dedicated solution for you. Follow the detailed instructions provided in the source to reset your Roku 4K TV.

These instructions are model-specific and designed to address any unique issues that might be causing the green screen problem on 4K TVs.

This step ensures that you’re applying the most effective solution for your particular TV model.

6. Contact the Manufacturer: TCL’s Got Your Back

Should the previous steps fail to cast out the green screen gremlin, it’s time to enlist the help of the experts.

Reach out to TCL’s customer support team through their website. They’re equipped to provide assistance and guidance tailored to your specific issue.

Be sure to have your TV’s model number and other relevant details on hand when you reach out.

The manufacturer’s support team may offer additional troubleshooting steps or, if necessary, guide you through the process of arranging repairs or a replacement.

Additional Tips: Keeping the Green Screen at Bay

While troubleshooting is essential, prevention is equally crucial. Consider these additional tips to minimize the risk of encountering the green screen issue on your TCL Roku TV:

Use High-Quality HDMI Cables: 

Invest in reliable, high-quality HDMI cables to ensure a stable and precise connection between your Roku TV and external devices.

A faulty or low-quality cable can contribute to display issues, including the dreaded green screen.

Avoid Overloading Devices: 

Resist the temptation to connect too many devices to your Roku TV simultaneously.

Overloading the TV’s HDMI ports can lead to conflicts and performance issues, potentially causing the green screen problem.

Regularly Update Software: 

Keep your Roku TV software up to date. Manufacturers often release software updates to address bugs, enhance performance, and improve overall system stability.

By staying current with updates, you reduce the likelihood of encountering display issues.

Avoid Overclocking: 

While it might be tempting to push your TV’s performance to the limit, avoid overclocking.

Overclocking can lead to overheating and unexpected display issues, including the green screen problem.

Stick to the manufacturer’s recommended settings to ensure optimal performance without compromising stability.


In the world of modern entertainment, a green screen glitch can be a frustrating roadblock. Armed with the knowledge from this troubleshooting guide, you’re well-equipped to tackle and overcome the green screen issue on your TCL Roku TV.

Remember, persistence is critical, and if all else fails, TCL’s customer support team is just a click away. Now, go forth and enjoy uninterrupted streaming bliss on your TCL Roku TV!

Winston, an experienced engineer with over 10 years in the tech industry, graduated from Stanford University. Having worked with renowned tech leaders like InnovateTech, Nexus Solutions, and Quantum Systems, his expertise shines through in his blog, Tech Fixes, where he shares practical solutions to common product issues.